Flipnode.io review

Flipnode.io Reviews

Have you been searching for cheap residential proxies providers with unlimited access? Search no more, have a look at Flipnode. They brand themself as the fastest network in the industry.

Flipnode Logo

Flipnode is a new residential IP network provider. They are compatible and work as backconnect proxies with HTTP(S)to SOCKS5 protocols.An overall rating of 7.8. Flipnode news means:

  • 9.5+ million IPs over the world
  • 提供国家地理定位
  • 3-day money back
  • Suit for Sneaker copping, and Social Media

Visit flipnode.io

Location Ips of Flipnode

Flipnode Pros and Cons

If Flipnode is the fastest residential proxies provider, in this regard consider their pros and cons to make a fair judgment. Let's start with what we liked about Flipnode.


  • Reliable IPs source
  • Dashboard is easy to use
  • 无限带宽
  • Realistic speed
  • Supports over 195 countries


The smallest plan is 10 ports

Restricts 5 websites only

No free trial period

FAQ page not detailed

Flipnode Overview Flipnode Homepage

Flipnode uses the backconnect form in its residential proxies. They have earned trust among their customers since they were founded. As a company, they do not engage in any other kind of proxies apart from residential proxies. Alternatively, they do not have browser extensions compared to their competitors. This is not a deal-breaker. It is easy to use and this makes them outstanding.


Aside from their simple website design, their services are secure and in terms of cost, they are cheap. There is always room for improvement in the future. Let’s now go deeper into Flipnode review.

Flipnode IP Types and Pricing

Type of Flipnode

The pricing plan of Flipnode is based on unlimited connection. Therefore, their pricing plan is dependent on ports. From their website, the only pricing plan starts at $225, that comes with 10 ports of residential proxies.

You can access all 9.5 million of their potential IP addresses. The ports are proxy gateways and each gateway is connected to the IP collections that access proxies from multiple countries. Hence 反向连接代理.

Flipnode Pricing

Unfortunately, they do not have any free trial. If you are not satisfied, you can easily request a refund within three days. Before you test their service, you must purchase, and for any purchase beyond 10 ports, you can contact their support team for a quote. Using these ports, you can access any website of your choice.

Flipnode Authentication and Protocols

From the two available authentication methods, Flipnode supports IP authentication only. On the dashboard, go to the proxy manager and configure. Input the IP address of your device and you are good to proceed with the authentication setting. Whitelisting the same IP address on the device is not allowed.

Flipnode has both sticky IP and high rotating proxies that are assigned after every minimum of 5 minutes. The high rotating IPs change once you make a request from the dashboard. In addition, Flipnode uses HTTP(S), SOCKS4, and SOCKS5 protocols.

How to Use

As stated earlier Flipnode is the easiest proxy provider to use in the real market. Its dashboard is simple with three navigation keys.

Proxy manage gives you the proxies list which you just copy and paste where necessary for authentication.  Among the 9+ million IPs, rotation is possible and automatically assigned in a range of 5 minutes. For a longer period, configure the rotation on the Flipnode’s dashboard.

Meanwhile, Flipnode residential proxies need a captcha solver for them to be effective in accessing restricted sites.

Flipnode Customer Support

Flipnode Customer Support

They make use of Drift to provide live chat support to their customers 24/7. Business accounts are extended to email when the need arises or phone calls. This seems to be effective and in case the technical support staffs are not online, you can contact them via message using an online form. No sufficient support information is available. Therefore, this calls for improvement in the future.

The Editor's Verdict

Flipnode has earned trust among reputable firms and individuals. They have a cheap pricing plan, unlimited bandwidth, control of the session, and above all, they have the easiest dashboard to use for beginners. With this advancing technology, they have to improve various sections in the future but in all, they are a reliable and secure proxies provider.

Last Updated on 12月 12, 2022



平均评分 5 /5.计票: 2



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