Proxy-Cheap Review


正如它的名字一样,proxy-cheap 是市场上最便宜的代理服务器之一,对个人或小型企业来说非常方便。它还有其他好处,我将在本文中一一介绍。

Proxy cheap Logo Overview

  • 来自 127+ 个国家的 6+ 百万 IP
  • 提供国家地理定位
  • 支持随机 IP 和会话 IP


无论您是技术精英还是商务人士,代理这个名字可能并不陌生。您每次都会使用代理服务器来连接被地理屏蔽或审查的网站。然而,最重要的是代理的价格和质量。有了 Proxy-cheap,您就可以实现这两方面的需求。但 Proxy-Cheap 还不止这些,因为它还有其他优点,比如

Proxy Cheap Location


在我们对 Proxy-Cheap 的整个研究过程中,我们对这家代理提供商有喜欢的地方,也有不喜欢的地方。那么,让我们从以下几点开始:


  • 价格便宜,定价灵活: 它的速率较低,如 $3、4$ 和 $ 5。这些值在带宽范围内伸展。
  • 良好的位置覆盖: 其住宅代理覆盖全球约 127 个国家。
  • 无需每月支付: Proxy-Cheap 住宅代理服务器的定价是无条件的,只取决于带宽大小。
  • 易于使用的仪表板: 一切都可直接在仪表盘面板中找到。没有仪表盘配置,但仪表盘易于管理。
  • 支持新的 IPV6: 通过 IPV6,Proxy-Cheap 承诺提供更高的数据安全性、更多的数据包捕获和高效的数据隧道。


没有常见问题、博客或教程: Proxy-Cheap 没有常见问题解答或教程来回答常见问题或演示一些技术问题。

有限的地理定位: 没有 ASN、城市或 ISP 地理定位功能。因此,如果您想锁定某个特定城市,Proxy-Cheap 可能不适合您。

复杂的审判制度: 免费试用过程令人困惑。Proxy-Cheap 声称他们提供免费试用,但当您注册并付款后,任何试用费用都不会退还。


Proxy Cheap Homepage overview

一般来说,Proxy-Cheap 拥有约 600 万个最高 IP 池。这些 IP 通常是来自 ISP 的住宅 IP。这些住宅 IP 分布在约 127 个地区,在 HTTPS 请求或特定时间内轮流使用。

其次,我们还有数据中心代理,您可以在 Proxy-Cheap 的多个数据中心找到它们。最后,我们还有可以通过手机使用的移动代理。换句话说,它们与 SIM 卡绑定。别忘了,所有这些代理类型都有 HTTP 或 SOCKS 5 协议。您可以通过 IP 验证或用户名验证访问它们。

IP 池 6+ 百万 IP 类型 住宅/数据中心/移动电话
价格样本 1GB - $5(包月) 收费价格 带宽
代理协议 HTTP(S) + Socks5 认证 用户密码/IP Auth
免费试用 根据要求 退款政策 不支持
地理定位  国家 管辖权 未披露

代理-廉价 IP 类型

如前所述,Proxy-Cheap 拥有数据中心代理、住宅代理和移动代理。住宅代理服务器是最受欢迎的代理服务器,因为您可以在全球 127 个国家/地区找到它们。这些代理具有针对特定国家的地理过滤功能。

住宅代理服务器拥有约 600 万个 IP,这些 IP 会根据会话或 HTTP 请求进行轮换。每次请求都会获得一个新的 IP,从而确保更高的匿名级别。不过,住宅代理服务器的 IP 会话或粘性时间约为 30 分钟。

Proxy Cheap Type of Proxy

第二种是数据中心代理。这些代理服务器来自 Proxy-Cheap 服务器,而不是 ISP 的住宅服务器。数据中心代理也是私有的,由 IPV4 和 IPV6 组成。最重要的是,IPV6 提高了数据中心代理的速度、安全性、效率和流量。

第三,我们有移动代理。您可以通过手机、调制解调器或其他支持 3G 或 4G SIM 卡的设备使用移动代理。当您身处 ISP 代理服务器或数据中心网络无法到达的偏远地区时,您可以使用移动代理服务器。移动代理还拥有数千个 IP。这些 IP 会在特定时间或根据请求进行轮换,以帮助您匿名浏览。


如前所述,Proxy-Cheap 拥有数据中心代理、住宅代理和移动代理。住宅代理服务器是最受欢迎的代理服务器,因为您可以在全球 127 个国家/地区找到它们。这些代理具有针对特定国家的地理过滤功能。

住宅代理服务器拥有约 600 万个 IP,这些 IP 会根据会话或 HTTP 请求进行轮换。每次请求都会获得一个新的 IP,从而确保更高的匿名级别。不过,住宅代理服务器的 IP 会话或粘性时间约为 30 分钟。

Proxy cheap Pricing Chart

说到 Proxy-Cheap 的价格,每种代理类型的价格都不一样。首先是住宅代理的价格,按带宽收费,从每 GB $4.99 到每两三百 GB $3。这意味着如果您使用更高的带宽,Proxy-Cheap 将提供折扣。

与其他指定使用带宽的代理服务提供商不同,Proxy-cheap 让您可以选择任何带宽大小,而无需承担任何月度义务。当您需要更高的带宽而又没有过期日期时,这一点就非常有利。

接下来是数据中心代理,这是所有代理类型中最便宜的。每个代理的价格低至 $0.30,您相信吗?这似乎是有史以来最低的价格了,但很抱歉要让您失望了,因为它们的套餐中还添加了一些费用。例如,在 $0.30 的基础上,您还必须每月支付固定的 $150 费用。此外,该套餐还包含 IPV4 和 IPV6 的数量。

不过,我们会向您推荐 $4.99 计划,该计划只有 IPv4 价格,月费低至 $4.99。最后,我们还有按月收费的移动代理。在这方面,Proxy-Cheap 将其移动计划归类为法国、美国和立陶宛等国家。

Proxy-Cheap 向您推荐三种移动套餐中的美国 3G,因为它的随机代理费用为 50 美元,并且有 30 分钟的 IP 会话粘性。此外,如果您想使用免费移动运营商提供的 4G 网络,则可以使用法国套餐。


Unlike most proxy providers, Proxy-Cheap's residential proxies do not support IP Authentication. In other words, they only support Username/Password authentication.

Proxy-Cheap companies give you the username or password authentication once you register with them. However, they provide complex username/password details, which are hard to master. Also, you cannot change them. To find the username or password authentication, you only tap the gear icon on the panel's right side.

On the other hand, there is IP authentication in mobile and datacentre proxies. The Proxy-Cheap system requires you to whitelist an IP that they will use to connect you to websites. They can use your ISP Address to whitelist you, or they choose another IP from trusted sources.


When you want to add more security details to your data, Proxy-Cheap has got you covered with HTTP(S) or Socks5. These protocols are an extension to the typical HTTP platforms that are unsecured. The most commonly used protocols for all proxy types are HTTPS.

HTTPS provides two security layers like Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Secure Layer (TLS). Both of these secure layers encrypt your data against snoopers, hackers or trackers.

Lastly, we have the SOCKS 5 protocols present in the datacentre and mobile proxy types but absent in residential proxies. Socks 5 protocols are also secure with SSH technology that encrypts data. They also light to evade blocks, errors or Captchas. Not to mention their fast connection that comes because of their light nature.


Proxy-cheap seems incredible in its theory, but what if we test it? On that note, we tested Proxy-Cheap on four platforms. These platforms include data scraping, social platform, sneaker sites and speed. If you want to see their results, they are in the table below.

测试目的 数据搜索 社交平台 运动鞋网站 速度测试
评级 76/100 78/100 77/100 86/100

Generally, the performance of all four samples are fair considering that some of the Proxy-Cheap competitors are expensive. Most significantly, we were impressed with the speed of this proxy provider. But that is not all because we will elaborate on each sample and our finding on each of them. Therefore, our first test was the scraping performance.


Data Scraping Performance for Proxy Cheap

Average success rate on E-commerce websites- 76%

As you can see from the table,, Best Buy and eBay were above average. Notably, we were impressed with eBay performance of 81%, knowing how it has a strict anti-scraping policy. However, Aliexpress did not reach our target score of 70 %( we will explain the reasons later in the sections.)

Amazon was the first site we conducted the test. We knew that we had an uphill task when considering that Amazon is one of the most challenging sites to scrape. However, to our amazement, Proxy-cheap produced excellent results with Amazon. Except for the few Captchas timeouts and several connection errors, Amazon would have performed even better.

Our next project was eBay. Like in Amazon, we thought eBay could perform lower, but that was contrary to our expectations. eBay produced above eighty percent results. Their connection speed was satisfactory and the sticky time in Proxy-Cheap allowed us to scrape more info. There were also few blocks and 404(not found) connection errors in eBay.

The likes of Walmart, and Best Buy had a fast connection, but they blocked us, and we experienced errors. There were also timeouts with these proxy providers. But those timeouts, errors, blocks and Captchas were not many as compared to Aliexpress. We hardly could connect to that site because of too many errors, 404 and 401(unauthorized) errors.

In conclusion, Proxy-cheap will work well if you have some Captchas removers and error removers. We also attribute the good performance of scraping sites because Proxy-Cheap supports scraping bots. Still, its rotating IPs enhance anonymous scraping.


Social media Rating for Proxy Cheap

Average success rate on Social Media – 78%

Overall, we were impressed by the social media scraping. The average was 78% which was satisfactory considering its affordable cost. The success rate depended on the successful scraping of social media accounts, creating multiple accounts, and social media marketing.

We got the social media's percentages from the number of Captchas, blocks, timeouts, and errors. On that note, there were few Captchas, zero blocks, and only 404 errors in platforms like Instagram, Twitter and Reedit.

Our main worry at first was to scrape Facebook and YouTube using Proxy-Cheap. We started with the $5 per 1GB residential plan, which somehow refused to connect to those sites. Therefore, we had to increase the plan to a higher bandwidth that would unlock those restrictions. From that point, the connection speed to Facebook and YouTube started rising.

We also used thirty minutes of sticky time to download Facebook and YouTube videos which were successful. Our only setback was Twitch which had many concurrent errors. In Twitch, we received more than ten blocks and multiple Captchas.

Overall, the connection speed and response time of social media sites is good when using Proxy-Cheap. Another benefit of Proxy-Cheap with social media sites is that it supports social media bots.


Rate of Sneakers Site for Proxy Cheap

Average success rate on Sneaker Sites – 77%

As Sneaker sites are hard to scrape, we expected a less than 80% average rating on all sneaker sites. So, we were prepared for the worst, but Proxy-Cheap did not disappoint us.

We started the test with At first, the Proxy-Cheap connection with Nike was smooth, but the connection grew weaker after some time. Even when the residential IPs changed on requests, we still received 401(unauthorized) and 404(server not found) errors. Therefore we had to increase the bandwidth on the residential package and even incorporate the mobile proxies. This combination made us crack the Nike restrictions.

That was the same situation we experienced with Finish Line, but it had fewer blocks than Nike. Adidas and Supreme sites had a smooth connection and few blocks, but the 404 errors and the Captchas persisted until we used captcha removers.

Foot Locker had the best performance because of a smooth connection without disruptions. It had only two to three blocks, a few errors and some timeouts. But when the IP address changed per requests, these disruptions slowly vanished.

In general, the Proxy-Cheap sticky thirty minutes helped us in getting good results from sneaker sites. Also, the proxy network supports sneaker bots where we would cop multiple footwear without being detected.


Proxy-Cheap Proxy 平移(毫秒) 下载(兆比特/秒) 上传(兆比特/秒)
Proxy-Cheap Proxy 1 493 11.21 16.37
Proxy-Cheap Proxy 2 213 25.12 19.39
Proxy-Cheap Proxy 3 324 50.64 61.33
Proxy-Cheap Proxy 4 175 20.63 18.3
Proxy-Cheap Proxy 5 107 12.56 105.37

Rating, 86/100

Holistically, Proxy-Cheap's speed connection was fast and took less time to respond when we used residential proxies. We, therefore, tested speed with five Proxy-Cheap proxies using a speed test. We also accounted for the internet bundles used for each Proxy-Cheap through their platform that shows internet usage.

Our best performing Proxy-Cheap Proxy was three. Even though it's used a higher latent or ping time for its tasks, it had optimal bandwidth for downloads and uploads.

On the other hand, we were not pleased with the Proxy-Cheap one, which required a higher time to download or upload less bandwidth. We noted that the moment we increased sticky time in the residential proxies, the speed would slow.

We also did a similar test with mobile proxies, which was even faster than the residential proxies. We realized with Proxy-Cheap that it slows when we have disruptors like errors, blocks, or other restrictions. But if you find a way to resolve them, the connection speed and response time will be higher.


Customer Support of Proxy Cheap

There is a live chat in this forum where you can state your query, and the system will respond to you. When we had a complex question to ask, the support team did not answer us intuitively as a person would do. We, therefore, concluded that sometimes Proxy-Cheap use bots as customer support.

Other than that, Proxy-Cheap has a contact centre where you can provide your details and email in the contact centre. Our only suggestion is that they avoid bots in answering questions. Because those bots may not understand you as a normal human being would.


It's no secret that you will fall for the Proxy-Cheap affordable price. The company also provides quality services you will feel are undervalued. Even with the testing, if you use Captcha and errors resolver, you will get good performance. You can also download scraping, social media or sneaker APIs for efficient performances with Proxy-Cheap.


  • Are Proxy-Cheap Proxies Good for Social Media?

Yes, but not the best option considering you have to increase to a higher bandwidth plan to download sizable social media files.

  • Are Proxy-Cheap Proxies Good for Sneaker Sites?

Yes, but not the best option because Proxy-Cheap does not geo-target specific cities that improve connection in sneaker sites.

  • Are Proxy-Cheap Proxies Good for Scraping?

Not so good with scraping because they fall under 80% rating while SmartProxy and Bright Data surpass the 90% rating mark in scraping performance.

廉价代理 替代品

假设您想要一个一流的代理服务器,并具有高质量的刮擦性能,那么 亮数据 就是你的答案。但是,如果你想使用比 Proxy-Cheap 更便宜的方案,但又想获得比 Proxy-Cheap 更高的刮擦性能,你可以使用 智能代理.当您想找到一个具有无限带宽的 Proxy-cheap 的替代品时、 变速箱 将是你的选择。

最后更新于 2023 年 12 月 12 日



平均评分 5 /5.计票: 1



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