Oxylabs Datacenter Proxies

How to Use OxyLabs Proxy [Part 1]: OxyLabs Datacenter Proxies Manual

Want to use OxyLabs' datacenter proxies? Then you can't miss this article. It is the most comprehensive OxyLabs datacenter proxies user guide.

Quick Start

Before we begin, please make sure you have received a username, password, and all URLs linking to your IP list from a Sales Representative, Dedicated Account Manager, or Support Team.

There are two ways you can get to your IP list. You can either access the IP list directly from your browser by opening the URL you received (e.g.: https://proxy.oxylabs.io/all). You will then be asked to enter your login credentials (HTTP Basic Auth).

Or you can retrieve the list by making a GET request to the URL you received (for example: https://proxy.oxylabs.io/all). Don't forget to replace USERNAME 和 PASSWORD with your proxy user credentials.

卷曲 -u "USERNAME:PASSWORD" https://proxy.oxylabs.io/all

To make a request using a proxy, you will need to choose an IP address from the acquired list and specify it in the request parameters. You can see an example in cURL below. You can find more code samples in other languages 这里 or full code examples on our GitHub.

卷曲 -x -U "USERNAME:PASSWORD" http://ip.oxylabs.io

If there are any questions we have not covered in this doccumentation, please contact your Dedicated Account Manager or our Support at [email protected].

Proxy Lists


You should receive a URL to your proxy list from your Dedicated Account Manager or our Support and it should look something like this:


Simply open this URL in your browser (or any other prefered software). You will then be asked to enter your login credentials (HTTP Basic Auth):

OxyLabs Proxy Authentication Required

Once you do that, the list of proxies will be shown in a plain text.

If you have multiple lists and wish to get all IPs assigned to your account, you can use this URL:


You can also include ?showCountry or ?showCity at the end of your URL to get IPs with their corresponding locations.


Showing All Available Proxy Lists

With this endpoint, you can retrieve proxy lists that belong to your user:

GET https://api.oxylabs.io/v1/proxies/lists
curl -U username:password "https://api.oxylabs.io/v1/proxies/lists"

Sample output:

"uuid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
"key": "12345678",
"updated_timestamp": "2016-09-28T13:03:50+0300",
"ips_count": 2000,
"href": "http://api.oxylabs.io/v1/proxies/lists/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"

Retrieving a Specific Proxy List

With this endpoint, you can retrieve a specific proxy list:

GET https://api.oxylabs.io/v1/proxies/lists/{uuid}

Request parameters:

Parameter  Description
uuid The uuid of the proxy-list to retrieve
curl -u username:password "https://api.oxylabs.io/v1/proxies/lists/{uuid}"

Sample output:

"ip": "",
"port": "60000",
"country": "US"
"ip": "",
"port": "60000",
"country": "GB"

Making Requests

By default, Oxylabs proxies and Proxy Rotator use a basic HTTP authentication that requires you to provide a username and password. You can get your credentials by contacting your Dedicated Account Manager or our Support Team at [email protected].

We also support authentication based on whitelisted IP addresses. See Whitelisting IPs.

Depending on your authentication method, you might need to change the proxy port:


港口 Usage
60000 Required with proxies when login credentials are used (username and password). This port is used with proxy Proxy Rotator as well when used with both login credentials and whitelisted IPs.
65432 Required with proxies when authorization is done via whitelisted IPs

If you want to use Datacenter Proxies via user/pass authentification method:

curl -x -U user1:pass1 http://ip.oxylabs.io

If you want to use Datacenter Proxies via Whitelisted IP authentification method:

curl -x http://ip.oxylabs.io

Whitelisting IPs


We also support authentication based on an IP address. If you are using proxies directly (without proxy Proxy Rotator), you can whitelist your IPs by yourself. Just log into https://stats.oxylabs.io and on the sidebar at the bottom you will see a section named “Add Whitelist”. After clicking on the link you will be navigated to self-whitelist page which looks like this:

OxyLabs Whitelisting IPs

Here you can manage your whitelisted IPs that you can use to access proxies. You can whitelist individual IPs, as well as up to 24 subnets. If you would like to whitelist a larger subnet, please contact your Dedicated Account Manager or Support Team at [email protected].

If you are using proxy Proxy Rotator or SOCKS proxies, you cannot whitelist your IP address by yourself. Instead, you will have to give us a list of IP address you want to use to connect to proxies. We will whitelist them (add them to firewall exception rules). After doing so, you will be able to access your proxies without login credentials.

Bear in mind, that if you are using whitelisted IPs to access your proxies, you will need to use port 65432. For proxy Proxy Rotator, the port remains 60000.


You can also whitelist IPs by sending queries directly to our endpoints. Please note there is a 5-minute cooldown for confirming any changes to your whitelisted IP list.

Getting Whitelisted IPs List

GET https://api.oxylabs.io/v1/whitelisted_ips
Response  Description
200 Success. Response body contains all currently whitelisted IPs and their ids.
curl -U username:password "https://api.oxylabs.io/v1/whitelisted_ips"

Sample output:

"data": [
"id": 9765,
"address": ""
"id": 9766,
"address": ""

Adding a Whitelisted IP

POST https://api.oxylabs.io/v1/whitelisted_ips
Response  Description
201 Success. The IP address has been added to the list. Response body contains the newly added address 和 id.
422 Error. Request body contains an invalid IP address. Response body contains the error message.
curl -X POST -u username:password "https://api.oxylabs.io/v1/whitelisted_ips"
--header "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"address": ""}'
"error": {
"message": "This is not a valid IP address.",
"code": 422

Sample output:

"id": 9767,
"address": ""

Removing a Whitelisted IP

DELETE https://api.oxylabs.io/v1/whitelisted_ips/{id}
Parameter  Description
id "(《世界人权宣言》) id of the IP address you want to delete (you can get it from GET whitelisted IPs endpoint)
Response   Description
204 Success. The IP address has been removed from the list. Response body is empty.
403 Error. Request contains an invalid id. Response body contains the error message “Access Denied”.
curl -X DELETE -u username:password "https://api.oxylabs.io/v1/whitelisted_ips/{id}"

Saving Changes (5min Cooldown)

POST https://api.oxylabs.io/v1/whitelisted_ips/upload_to_servers
Response  Description
202 Success. Changes to your whitelisted IP list have been confirmed. Response body is empty.
429 Error. Changes have not been confirmed, the endpoint is on a 5 minute cooldown. Response body contains the error message “You have exceed the rate limit for the endpoint. Please try again later”
curl -X POST -u username:password "https://api.oxylabs.io/v1/whitelisted_ips/upload_to_servers"

Datacenter Proxy API

Replacing subnet IPs

POST https://api.oxylabs.io/v1/proxy-list/rest/proxy-lists/{PROXY_LIST_UUID}/by-uuid/network-modification-requests/replace

For you to replace IPs from a specific subnet in your existing proxy list while using Proxy Management API, you will need to make a POST request to the endpoint above with specific subnets you want to replace. To make it work correctly, you must insert a proxy list UUID that can be queried from the API (as described 这里).

Response  Description
id Initiated replacement process ID
status Status describes the state of initiated replacement process
message Initiated process type
created_at Timestamp of the initiated process
link_to_list_plain Link to the list of proxies in plain text
link_to_list_json Link to the list of proxies formatted in JSON
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"subnets": ["x.x.x.0/24","y.y.y.0/24"]}' https://api.oxylabs.io/v1/proxy-list/rest/proxy-lists/{PROXY_LIST_UUID}/by-uuid/subnet-replacement-requests -u user:pass

Sample output:

    "id": "1", 
    "status": "processing", 
    "message": None, 
    "type": "replace", 
    "created_at": "2021-01-01T00:00:00+00:00", 
    "link_to_list_plain": "https://proxy.oxylabs.io/key/4f34fe5862603138c1bc5ce28b181aef", 
    "link_to_list_json": "https://api.oxylabs.io/v1/proxies/lists/8f11274c-a900-11eb-b910-901b0ec4424b"

Checking replacement status

GET https://api.oxylabs.io/v1/proxy-list/rest/subnet-replacement-requests/{INITIATED_REPLACEMENT_PROCESS_ID}

To confirm that the subnet replacement was a success, you must make a GET request to the endpoint above while inserting Initiated replacement process ID from the replacement process initiated before.

Response  Description
id Initiated replacement process ID
status Status describes the state of initiated replacement process
message Initiated process type
created_at Timestamp of the initiated process
link_to_list_plain Link to the list of proxies in plain text
link_to_list_json Link to the list of proxies formatted in JSON
curl -u user:pass https://api.oxylabs.io/v1/proxy-list/rest/subnet-replacement-requests/{INITIATED_REPLACEMENT_PROCESS_ID}"

Sample output:

    "created_at": "2021-01-01T00:00:00+00:00",
    "id": "1",
    "link_to_list_json": "https://api.oxylabs.io/v1/proxies/lists/8f11274c-a900-11eb-b910-901b0ec4424b",
    "link_to_list_plain": "https://proxy.oxylabs.io/key/4f34fe5862603138c1bc5ce28b181aef",
    "message": None,
    "status": "completed",
    "type": "replace"

Listing replaced and new IPs

GET https://api.oxylabs.io/v1/proxy-list/rest/network-modification-requests/{INITIATED_REPLACEMENT_PROCESS_ID}/ips

When the replacement request has been processed, removed IPs can be found by making a GET request to the endpoint above while inserting initiated replacement process ID from the replacement process initiated before.

Only 100 replaced IPs will be displayed with the initial request, and pagination metadata will be in the response. In order to fetch the remaining list of replaced IPs, pagination must be used. For pagination, please format the endpoint below:

GET https://api.oxylabs.io/v1/proxy-list/rest/network-modification-requests/{INITIATED_REPLACEMENT_PROCESS_ID}/ips?fields=metadata.total&after={metadata_after}
Response  Description
items A list that contains replaced IP IDs, IPs adressed, and subnet addresses
id Proxy ID within the replacement process
ip Proxy IP adress
subnet Subnet from which the IP is assigned
类型 redundant – IP that have been replaced, new– New IP that have been assigned instead of redundantone
metadata Cursor pagination data showing boundaries from which IP address in the replaced IPs list data it has been fetched
curl -u user:pass "https://api.oxylabs.io/v1/proxy-list/rest/network-modification-requests/{INITIATED_REPLACEMENT_PROCESS_ID}/ips"

Sample output:

  "items": [
      "id": "1",
      "ip": "",
      "subnet": "",
      "type": "redundant"
      "id": "2",
      "ip": "",
      "subnet": "",
      "type": "new"
  "metadata": {
    "after": "'100'",
    "before": "'None'",
    "total": 100

Proxy Rotator – Optional

This service is optional and is not included in subscription. Instead of connecting to individual IPs, we provide you with a single endpoint to your assigned proxy list. With every request, the endpoint fetches a different IP. To learn how to use the endpoint as a proxy, please see the example on the right.

Note: Proxy Rotator should be used only with port 60000.

curl --proxy vm.oxylabs.io:60000 http://ip.oxylabs.io

Session Control Using Proxy Rotator

It is possible to keep the same IP address with the Proxy Rotator. Firstly, you will need to know how many proxies your Proxy Rotator has. Then simply add --proxy-header "Proxy-Server: sXXX" header to your request, where sXXX is the number of the proxy, for example, s5 or s2541.

user1@machine:~$ curl -x vm.oxylabs.io:60000 -U user:pass http://ip.oxylabs.io --proxy-header "Proxy-Server: s10"
user1@machine:~$ curl -x vm.oxylabs.io:60000 -U user:pass http://ip.oxylabs.io --proxy-header "Proxy-Server: s10"
user1@machine:~$ curl -x vm.oxylabs.io:60000 -U user:pass http://ip.oxylabs.io --proxy-header "Proxy-Server: s10"

Response Codes

Response  Error Message Description
407 Proxy Authentication Required You are accessing proxy through 60000 port, but you have not provided authorization header, or your credentials are incorrect.
504 Gateway Timeout Proxy server timed out. Waiting for a response from the target server. Usually about 60s.
503 Service Unavailable Failed to connect to the target server. DNS failure to resolve the target server address.
401 Unauthorized Incorrect credentials.
404 Not Found The resource specified could not be found.
500 Internal Server Error We had a problem with our server. Try again later.

These are the most common response codes that you can get while using our Datacentre Proxies. If you receive any other response code, please get in touch with your Dedicated Account Manager for more information.

3rd Party Integrations

Oxylabs Proxy Manager

Oxylabs Proxy Manager is a proxy management extension for Chrome. It is not only free but also works with any proxy provider of your choice. Enable your proxy without having to jump through settings and menu options. Download the extension from Chrome Web Store 这里

  • Click the extension icon to open the application
  • If you haven't added any proxies yet, you will see Add new proxy button. Click it to continue.

OxyLabs Add new proxy

  • Add proxy profile. Provide a name for the profile under Enter name. Enter on of the proxies you have purchased from us as Proxy server IP 和 60000 as 港口 if you are using username:password authentication method, and 65432 if you are using whitelisted IPs.

Fill in your Username 和 Password. Finally, click Save changes. If you have whitelisted your IP, you don't need to do this step at all.

OxyLabs Save changes

  • Open the extension and click Connect. That's it, you are now using datacenter proxies.

OxyLabs click Connect


SwitchyOmega is a powerful and reliable proxy manager that works with many popular browsers. From our own experience, it is one of the best proxy plugins out there. We highly recommend using SwitchyOmega with our proxies. To do that, you will need to get the plugin. For Chrome, click 这里, for Firefox click 这里. Once you have it installed, you should:

  • Open Switchy Omega options.

OxyLabs SwitchyOmega1

  • Click New profile…

OxyLabs SwitchyOmega2

  • Give the new profile a name, choose Proxy Profile type and click Create

OxyLabs SwitchyOmega3

  • Change Protocol to 超文本传输协定. Under Server enter one of the proxies you have purchased from us. Under 港口 add 60000 if you are using username:password authentication method, and 65432 if you are using whitelisted IPs.

OxyLabs SwitchyOmega4

  • Next, click the lock button on the right. Fill in your Username 和 Password. Click Save changes.

If you have whitelisted your IP, you don't need to do this step at all.

OxyLabs SwitchyOmega5

  • Click Apply changes

OxyLabs SwitchyOmega6

  • For the final step, click on SwitchyOmega icon and choose your newly configured proxy. You are now ready to go!

OxyLabs SwitchyOmega7


FoxyProxy is a simple proxy manager that works with many popular browsers. First, you will need to get FoxyProxy. For Chrome, click 这里, for Firefox click 这里. Once you have it installed, you should:

  • Open FoxyProxy Options.
  • Click Add.
  • In IP address, DNS name, server name fields enter one of the proxies.
  • In 港口 field enter port. If you use user/pass authentication port is 60000. If you have whitelisted your IP the port is 65432.
  • In Username (optional) field you should enter your username. If you have whitelisted your IP, leave this field blank as the plugin will authorize through it and ignore everything you write in this field.
  • In Password (Optional) field you should enter your password. If you have whitelisted your IP and wish to authorise through it, leave this field blank.
  • After filling in all fields press Save.
  • In order to get all of your requests running through this setup, you must press on the FoxyProxy plugin icon (1) and click on Use proxy Proxy for all URLs (ignore patterns) (2).


OxyLabs FoxyProxy1


OxyLabs FoxyProxy2

  • That is it, you are done!


To use Datacenter Proxies with Proxfier, simply follow these steps:

  • Open Proxifier app.
  • Add proxies. Click on Proxies (1). Click Add(2).

OxyLabs Proxifier1

  • In the following window, enter the required information. IP Address(1)Port(2) which for the username/pass authentication is 60000 and for whitelisted IP authentication – 65432 , select HTTPS(3) protocol. In the authentication box click Enable(4) and enter provided Username(5) 和 Password(6).

Do not forget to add customer- at the beginning of the username. If you have whitelisted your devices, do not click on Enable, your authenticiation will be done without username/password. If you wish, you can enable Appear as Web Browser option. Click OK.

OxyLabs Proxifier2

  • You will be asked Do you want Proxifier to use this proxy by default? This means that this setup will be used for all of your browsers. It is up to you to decide whether you want that or not. If you select Yes, you are done setting up. If you wish to use proxies just on a particular browser, follow these next steps.
  • Click on Rules(1) and then click Add…(2).

OxyLabs Proxifier3

  • Click +(1) button to add applications that you want to use the proxy settings with. Select a browser that you want to use these proxy settings with and click on it. Finally, you have to change Action(2). Click on it and select your created proxy.

OxyLabs Proxifier4

  • That is it. Now all of your requests (while using a browser) will be made via proxies.




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最后更新于 2022 年 5 月 16 日



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