How to Use Socks Protocol with BlazingSEO Proxies? Learn Manuals

We know BlazingSEO provides SOCKS protocol, but do you know how to use it correctly? This article will be a complete guide for you.

Do Your Proxies Work with SOCKS Protocol?

Our dedicated and semi-dedicated proxies support 袜子. You will need to change the proxy’s port to 1080 for SOCKS connectivity. You may also find the following video guides on how to use SOCKS protocol with blazing proxies in your browsers(Chrome, Firefox).

You can only use IP authorization along with SOCKS. Unfortunately, username/password authorization method is not available for SOCKS for our proxies.

How do I Use SOCKS Protocol?

Dedicated and semi-dedicated proxies support SOCKS protocol.

For some websites and use-cases, you may need to switch from HTTP/HTTPS and instead use SOCKS protocol. We offer SOCKS protocol to assist with these specific use-cases. When using SOCKS, you are only able to use IP authorization as we currently do not offer username/password for SOCKS protocol.

1. Login to your proxy dashboard.

2. On the right side of the proxy dashboard home page,  select “Via IP” under Authorization Type and then select SOCKS.

Blazing SEO IP Authorization

3. If you have not already authorized your IP, please proceed to authorize your IP.  f you do not know how to authorize your IP you may simply follow this video guide 这里.

You may also find the following video guides on how to use SOCKS protocol with Blazing SEO proxies in your browser.



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最后更新于 2022 年 5 月 16 日



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