Proxy Server PS4

7 款 PS4 最佳代理服务器及如何快速设置

Are you searching for a proxy server to set on your PS4? Read our article and learn more about our best proxy providers to fluid your experience and access geo-targeted gaming websites. Discover here with us today.

Gaming addicts get an unmatched experience when playing PS4 consoles. However, these experiences become limited when you want to play online games using this console. Limitations come in the form of geo-restrictions. The main culprit of this restriction lies in the IP address of your device. So this means, for you to unlock your full potential and access all PS4 online gaming experience, you need some external forces. This is where proxy servers come into play.

When using proxies, you can easily circumnavigate these geo-targeting restrictions. So today, in our article, we will be discussing the most reliable and often recommended proxy providers on the market, which you can use to set up your PS4 console. There are many reasons you need proxy servers and before listing our recommended providers, let's dive into these reasons in detail.

Why Do You Need Proxy Server for PS4?

You don't need a proxy server when playing offline PS4 games. However, the case is different when you start online gaming; you will need proxies. So, here are some of the reasons why you need to use a proxy server on your PS4:-

1. Unlocking geo-targeted games websites

geo-targeted games

Most online games restrict access in specific countries. This case leaves out other online gamers unable to access them. Go for proxy servers when your region does not support such games, but you want to play. The proxies should be from the country that supports that particular game so that you can access and play with ease.

2. Reducing Network Lag

Reducing Network Lag

The only situation where this does not apply is when playing offline games. But when playing online games, you must seek a way out of dealing with your network lag. Sometimes, lag can make your gaming experience terrible. Using a relevant proxy server reduces ping and latency, which reduces network lag at a minimum. This ensures that you enjoy online gaming.

3. Unlocking Blocked Game Websites

Blocked Websites

To an extent, you might have access to the game, but the website you are using might deny you access. This might be due to regional restrictions posed due to spamming. Again, other sites, including schools, block gaming websites. To access them, simply set up your PS4 with a proxy server and unlock the access.

Best Proxy Servers for PS4

Game websites are not aggressive, and most PS4 online gamers prefer to use proxy servers. Considering the cost factor, we recommend datacenter proxy servers and enjoy the gaming. Some of the recommended proxy servers are as discussed below.

1. IPRoyal

IPRoyal ISP Proxies

  • 地点: Over 21 countries worldwide
  • 允许带宽:无限制
  • 代理协议: HTTP(S) and SOCKS5
  • 费用: Starting from $1.80 per proxy

IPRoyal is a reputable proxy provider offering various types of proxies at very competitive prices. But when it comes to playing PS4 online, their static residential or ISP proxies are your best bet. These proxies use IP addresses from real ISPs in 21 countries instead of proxy server farms, making them look like regular traffic to the PlayStation Network.

As a result, you can avoid geo-restrictions and play your favorite games from anywhere without worrying about bans. IPRoyal’s ISP proxies have fast speeds, 99.9% uptime, and unlimited bandwidth, which allows you to game with minimum lag and latency issues. The best part is their affordable prices and the daily plan that lets you buy one proxy for as little as $1.80.

2. 购买代理

BuyProxies overview

  • 地点: 美国和欧盟
  • 允许带宽: 无限制
  • 代理协议: http(s) + socks5
  • 费用 Starting at $10 /5 proxies monthly.

Buy Proxies is our favorite PS4 online gaming proxy server. They have been serving games for a long time. Their proxies are safe to use on online gaming and have gained a good reputation on the market. This is because they own proxy servers which they sell to their customers. Hence they don't place their customer at any risk. They have full control of their servers hence decodes who can have access. These elite proxies keep you highly anonymous.

Another thing about them is that their proxies are reliable and trusted by most customers. Since they have full control, they never leak your IP address, enabling you to game online effortlessly without being detected. Once you buy the proxies, you can enjoy unlimited bandwidth and support many different locations on the globe. They are worth your pocket. Try them today. The proxies are activated in a few minutes upon payment.

3. 风暴代理

Storm Proxies Homepage Overview

  • 地点: 美国
  • 允许带宽: 无限制
  • 代理协议: HTTP(S)
  • 费用 Starting from $10 for 2 proxies monthly

Storm proxies is a company dedicated to providing private 专用代理.  They can help you with any proxy servers you need to keep you safe while carrying out PS4 tasks or gaming online.  Their proxies are optimized for high performance and come with fast multi-threaded tools. Enjoy instant and automatic delivery. However, they only support USA locations. Most gamers take it as a major downside, but the proxies work and are reliable.

They offer high-speed performing infrastructures. This ensures a good user experience while playing online games with friends. Never worry about technical issues, they work like magic, and the best part of these proxies, their IP addresses are fresh. It is hard to detect them since no one has used them, thus keeping you 100% highly anonymous through their unique technology. The IP always stays hidden.

4. SSL 私有代理

SSLPrivateProxy for Autumn Sale

  • 地点: US, Canada, Europe, and Asia
  • 允许带宽: 无限制
  • 代理协议: HTTP(S)
  • 费用 Starting at $1.75 per month

SSL Private Proxy is our choice and one of the best PS4 proxy server providers on the market. They provide secure online gaming IP addresses dedicated specifically for you and support multiple locations and subnets. Their IP addresses are unique, and you can refresh them every month.

They support up to 100 threads per proxy, and above all, the IP addresses are non-sequential. Since they offer a high-performance connection, it means you can play online games on your PS4 console 24/7 without any hitches.

It is hard to detect these PS4 proxies due to monthly randomization, limiting too long exposure. The fact that they offer unlimited bandwidth to their clients is a plus since you never have to worry about such limits. The provider has one of the biggest databases, which can assure you of highly anonymous PS4 proxy servers. Their pricing is friendly, and we can say it is cheap on the market, and they activate immediately once you order.

5. 我的私人代理

Myprivateproxy Homepage Overview

  • 地点: 美国和欧盟
  • 允许带宽: 无限制
  • 代理协议: HTTP(S)
  • 费用 $2.49 per proxy monthly

This is also the top private proxy provider on the market and one of the few best PS4 proxy servers providers to secure you while playing online games. Other than gaming, their proxies are also vital for SEO and social media management.  When using them for PS4 gaming, expect a high-speed internet connection. This ensures a smooth gaming experience. They have a reliable control panel that you can use to manage your proxies.

They offer unlimited bandwidth, and reasonable pricing also has one downside. They do not have a free trial. However, you can compensate for a free trial in a refund policy. They guarantee your money back within 3 days. The proxy servers are built on the best infrastructures. Therefore, we vetted the provider as the best online gaming proxy provider, reliable, and trusted by many clients for a long time. These are the best private proxy specialists to answer your gaming needs.

6. 高级代理

HighProxies Homepage

  • 地点: The US and Europe
  • 允许带宽: 无限制
  • 代理协议: HTTP(S)
  • 费用 Starts at $2.30 per month

HighProxies is an all-purpose proxy provider on the market. This means they also offer PS4 gaming proxies to help you unlock geo-targeted online games. Their proxies are dedicated and only assigned to a single user. Thus, they are sure and ensure high anonymity and reliability while gaming online. Besides proxies, they also offer VPNs to their clients. This is important in covering any aspect while gaming.

We can assure you that this provider is reliable, and their pricing is one of a kind; pretty affordable. This is another perfect choice when you compare the pricing with other PS4 proxy server providers on the market. They support multiple locations and subnets as well as offer monthly proxy randomization. They don't offer a free trial, but instead, they guarantee you 3 days money back when you are unsatisfied with their services. This is a good duration to test the proxies.

7. 鱿鱼代理

SquidProxies Home Page

  • 地点: US, Europe, and Asia
  • 允许带宽: 无限制
  • 代理协议: HTTP(S)
  • 费用 Starting at $24/10 proxies per month

SquidProxies is well known for its affordable pricing. But they offer all-purpose proxy servers on the market. They have both private and 共享代理. Private is much preferred with high performance on PS4 online gaming. They ensure high anonymity without revealing your IP address.

No configuration is needed, but they are super fast PS4 proxy servers that come with a dedicated speed. There are no server restrictions, but instead, they offer unlimited bandwidth, non-sequential IPs, guaranteed access, super excellent customer support, and 100% compatibility with all browsers.

Gamers can randomize their IP addresses monthly to avoid too long exposures on the gaming sites. They support multiple subnets from multiple cities in the US. Squid Proxies has servers worldwide, including the US, EU, and Asia.

How to Set Up a PS4 Proxy Server

setting up your PS4 proxy server is easy. Follow these simple steps, and you will be ready to start gaming.

步骤 1: Power on your PS4 console. Navigate through settings, network section, and press enter.

Power on your PS4 console

步骤 2: Choose option WIFI or LAN cable. This depends on your network connection.

Network and Set up Internet Connection

步骤 3: Go to the custom option. ensure DHCP hostname is ‘do not specify.'

DHCP hostname

步骤 4: Set MTU and domain name system as automatic

Set MTU and domain name System

步骤 5: Proxy server option will pop up after the step 4 settings. Then select the use caption.

Proxy server option

步骤 6: Enter your IP address on the given interface and proxy server port

Enter your IP address

步骤 7: Click next to complete the settings.

Click next to complete the settings


1. Why is My PS4 Asking for a Proxy Server? 

When your PS4 asks for a proxy server, the immediate reason is finding your network connection properly. You can fix it by resetting your router or modem.

2. What proxy should I use for PS4?

Gaming websites are not as strict in fighting proxy servers as other sites. Due to this and the cost factor, we recommend private proxies ( Datacenter proxies) when playing online games on PS4.

3. What is the best IP address for PS4?

We recommend Google DNS and They are easy and can act as the best alternative to your default. When used on PS4, they always ensure that you have an optimal IP address and stable connection, making the gaming process effortless.


From the above information and proxy providers, proxy servers are vital in masking gamers' IP addresses and unlocking geo-restricted regions, sites, and games. Carefully follow the steps to get started.

Before purchasing, confirm that the proxy provider meets your preferences and supports the targeted region. Get one based on your budget and effortlessly enjoy online gaming on your PS4.

Last Updated on 5 月 20, 2023



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